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Docusign Retrieve

Docusign Retrieve

New in Version 4.3.0

  • This release includes a fix for the header label Email Subject in the index file. Previously, when the export ran as a scheduled task, the header in the index file showed "Subject" only. Now when the export runs as a scheduled task, the header label in the index file correctly shows the entire label: Email Subject.
  • This release includes a fix in the case of the certificate of completion where the full file path was not saved and only "Summary.pdf" was displayed. Now Retrieve displays the full path to the summary.pdf file.
  • A fix allows Retrieve to export envelopes that were sent from different server regions. Previously when Retrieve attempted to export envelopes sent from another server region, the following error message was logged: Value cannot be null.
  • A fix ensures that Retrieve pulls tab data into the index file, regardless of how many documents in the envelope contain fields. Previously, when multiple documents were included in the envelope and more than one document had fields attached to it, the index file picked the fields from the first document of the envelope.
  • A fix ensures that users can log into Retrieve even though they have accounts in multiple server regions.

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// Function to check user's role and display the div if the user is logged in